"Change the world by using force under the guidance of the elite." Neocon madness and the revolutionary theory of the New Left

The Communist Party of Japan turned to a peaceful and democratic socialist revolution through parliamentary elections in the mid-1950s. Japan's New Left, who broke up with the Communist Party, was obsessed with the violent revolution. The revolutionary violence they advocate is similar to the military intervention for democratization of the US neoconservatives. This is because both of them make violence and the use of force inevitable for the sake of revolution and democratization. The idea that the vanguard party, organized by a small number of elite professional revolutionaries, will lead the revolution of the proletarian masses is the same as the idea that the political elite of the United States, which has become the sole supremacy, will guide the masses who are trying to democratize and transform the tyrannical nation.  At the root of both is Leon Trotsky's world revolution thought, which was exiled from Stalin's Soviet Union.  The theory of revolutionary violence on the New Left in Japan collapsed after the United Red Army mountain hideout incident in the 1970s. But by contrast, the theory of democratization intervention by the US Neocon was  justified to be extrajudicial as a military policy of the United States in the wake of the Iraq War in the early 21st century. Now in Ukraine, the neoconservative "power is justice" has attracted the "violence" of the Russian army, obscuring the essence of the situation.

■ Kagan's "Battle for all against all"

The "logic of power" of neo-conservatives was fully shown by Robert Kagan's book "OF PARADISE AND POWER America and Europe in the New World", which was published in conjunction with the start of the Iraq War in 2003. With Germany and France strongly opposed to the Iraq War, Kagan declared, "Europe is heading for a 'postmodern paradise', but the United States will use its power." He wrote in the preface that he said:

"Europe has lost interest in military power and has moved beyond the world of power to its own world of law and rules, international negotiations and cooperation. A paradise of peace and prosperity that will come after the end of history. The eighteenth-century philosopher Immanuel Kant is heading towards the realization of the ideals he portrayed in Perpetual Peace: America is struggling in a world where history never ends. The United States is still exercising power in a world where maintaining and exercising military power is essential, as discussed by the 17th century philosopher Thomas Hobbs in "Leviathan." It is a world of universal warfare against humans, where the United States does not rely on existing international laws and regulations, but fights to ensure security and to maintain and expand free order. "

To slightly deform the above words of Kagan, "It is a delusion to think of the end of the Cold War as 'the beginning of eternal peace'. The world is still in the midst of a constant battle of power and power. The superpower America, which has become the only hegemony nation, is not bound by existing international rules and will use military force to transform the "rogue nation" and "oppressive nation" that hinder the maintenance and stability of hegemony. " In short, the collective security system advocated by the United Nations organized by the victorious nations of World War II is not functioning, and we will use our power to build a new world order based on the rules set by the United States. " .. He declared this.
Following the 2001 simultaneous terrorist attacks on the United States (September 11), the new strategic idea on national security based on the series of anti-terrorism measures stated by US President Bush was announced in September 2002, "The State of the United States." It is culminated in "The National Security Strategy of the United States of America" ​​and is commonly known as "Bush Doctrine". On the other hand, Kagan's idea, which is a compilation of Neocon's thoughts, focused not only on the war on terrorism, but also on the battle for conquering Eurasia, which states that "a non-Eurasian nation, the United States controls Eurasia."
Note: See the article "The Brzezinski Initiative has cornered Putin. The Ukraine Crisis and US Eurasian Hegemony" published March 3, 2022.
■ Ukraine: Key points to the rule of the former Soviet Union
The neoconservative intentions are pervading the ongoing Ukrainian crisis. Talking about the current situation in Ukraine only by the Russian military invasion of Ukraine would narrow the field of vision. We must focus largely on the Western theory of American civilization, which has been manifested since the 19th century. Based on this, the United States' unique enlightenment idea of ​​going out from the North American continent to the Pacific Ocean to conquer the Eurasian continent and spread civilization to the whole earth was naturally linked to the ambition of world domination of US capital.
In the Middle East, with Iraq in 2003 as the beginning, there was the use of military force to overthrow the anti-American nations close to Russia and the government approaching socialism in Libya, Yemen, Syria and so on. In Tunisia, Libya, Egypt and Syria it was window dressed as the "Arab Spring". This was aimed at radically reorganizing the power map of the Middle East with Israel as the pillar and stopping the rise of the African Union (AU), which tried to have its own currency.
The end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union provided an opportunity to dominate the former Soviet Union block, including Eastern Europe, the Slavic region, and Central Asia, which are the key to conquering Eurasia.
The spearhead was directed to Eastern Europe and Central Asia. The change of government and democratization domino called the color revolution occurred one after another in 2000 Serbia, 2003 Georgia, 2004 Ukraine, and 2005 Kyrgyz. In each country, crowds who were concerned about the election results protested on the streets and formed dissidents. The dictator and the accused government leader were banished and the regime changed. "Democratic domino" was nothing but the pro-Americanization of the political system. The reform movement was supported by the US Department of State, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) funded by the US Parliament, the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and the "Soros Foundation" presided over by George Soros. Its involvement was criticized.
The beginning of the Ukraine crisis was the 2004 Ukrainian Orange Revolution, which is one of the color revolutions. When the pro-Russian Yanukovych administration, which was once exiled in this "revolution," revived, a coup d'etat called the Maidan Revolution occurred in 2014, and President Yanukovych was exiled again. It was the US neoconservatives who manipulated the Ukrainian radical nationalists who insisted that they would never be under the influence of Russia.
It has been revealed that the then Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and the US Ambassador to Ukraine were directly directing the movement. Nuland was appointed by the then Vice President Biden, and Nuland's husband was Neocon's premier controversialist Robert Kagan.
Toshihiko Shiobara, an associate professor at Kochi University, asserts that "the crisis in Ukraine is the 'Ukraine Gate Incident' set by President Obama."
■ Trotskyist turns to neoconservative
Again, in February 1992, the year after the Soviet Union disappeared in December 1991, the Bush Doctrine's underlying Pentagon secret document was created. It was a defense policy guideline as part of the post-East-West Cold War US National Security Strategy. Neocons, including the then Under Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, gathered to create the document. The United States is prepared to prevent the emergence of rival superpowers in Western Europe, Asia, or the former Soviet Union, and it is suggested that the United States will take control of Eurasia as a final goal.
Note: See the article "US neo-conservatives control Ukraine-Neo-Nazis and Nippon Kaigi. Any means to maintain supremacy" published on March 21, 2022.
At the heart of the guideline is the statement that "the order of the world must be maintained by the United States, and the United States acts alone." In other words, it was a declaration that "in the post-Cold War world, the rise of a superpower that will become a rival of the United States is not allowed."
In the first half of the 20th century, left-wing intellectuals such as sociologist Daniel Bell, political scientist Seymour Lipset, Richard Hofstadter, political scientist Martin Diamond, and literary critic Irving Howe gathered based in New York. This became the starting point, and controversy over Leon Trotsky's theory of the world revolution and the permanent revolution centered on immigrants from Eastern Europe and Russia, forming the body of the left-wing camp in the United States. Fearful of their rise was the financial capital of Wall Street and the CIA associated with it, which became the post-WWII red hunting whirlwind (McCarthyism). In American society with communism as a taboo, they turned to conservatism, some of which became neoconservatives.
According to Michael Lind, the neoconservative "democratic export" concept of the neoconservatives of the U.S. New Left Trotskyists and Neocons is a rehash of the Trotskyist "revolutionary exports" they advocated in their youth. Will be done. When the above-mentioned National Endowment for Democracy (NED) was founded in 1983 under the Reagan administration under the pretext of "supporting the democratization of other countries," it was talked about that there were left-wing convertors among its executives. ..
■ The winner of the Cold War who fostered the madness of neoconservatives
When Russian troops invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022, there were conspicuous criticisms such as "Putin revived'power is justice'in the 19th century imperialism." To be sure, it is an outrage and must accept any criticism. However, the neoconservatives, who turned from the left, replaced revolutionary violence with democratic interventions. It is an "export of democracy" backed by a huge violent device called the US military, which is unprecedented in human history, and the worst "power is justice" is executed.
Neocon's "power is justice" is, in Kagan's words, applied in "the world of the battle of all against all." It is the expression used by Thomas Hobbes, who lived during the formation of civil society in Western Europe and the nascent period of the Bourgeois revolution, in his 1642 book "Civil Theory" written in Latin prior to "Leviathan".
According to Wikipedia, the original text is "Ostendo primo conditionem hominum extra societatem civilem (quam conditionem appellare liceat statum naturae) aliam non esse quam bellum omnium contra omnes; atque in eo bello jus esse omnibus in omnia." The first thing I have shown is that the human condition without civil society (though it may be called the state of nature) is nothing more than a "struggle against all," and in that struggle, everyone It means having the right to everything. "
Leviathan, sourced from Kagan, was written in 1651. If we take Kagan's words as they are, humanity will return to the "era without civil society before the 17th century." According to Neocon, the world of rule by the power of the state of nature without the principles of modern civil society, "freedom and human rights, democracy and the rule of law," has been revived. This idea goes beyond arguing and can be said to be madness. A huge untouched phantom beast (Leviathan) appeared in the American ruling class who was drunk with the victory of the Cold War.
Ironically, the US-led NATO member European countries, dominated by neocons, advocate a shared value of "freedom and human rights, democracy and the rule of law." The new Cold War against China and Russia involving Japan is called the "battle between liberalism and tyranny." The Japan-US security system is a yoke that the occupying nation America attached to the defeated nation Japan. Japan, which has been deprived of even the freedom to earnestly seek liberation from this yoke, is following the "masked liberalism".