The "manufactured war on terror" comes to light: USAID, CIA and terrorists

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), one of the major deep state organizations that the Trump administration is working to dismantle, has worked with the CIA and the Asia Foundation to train terrorists in Southeast Asia. Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, the US neoconservatives created the Wolfowitz Doctrine, a national defense guideline for the sole American hegemony, in 1991. This guideline created the "war on terror" to bridge the gap between the end of the Cold War with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the start of a new Cold War with the soon-to-be rising China. The new enemy, China, was to be contained from the east by the US, the UK, Japan, Australia and others in line with the Indo-Pacific strategy, and surrounded from the west with Islamic terrorism, while at the same time aiming to reorganize the Middle East as seen in the Iraq War.

At roughly the same time as the Wolfowitz Doctrine, Islamic terrorist organizations affiliated with Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda were formed one after another in the Philippines, Indonesia, and Malaysia, repeatedly kidnapping Westerners for ransom, carrying out random suicide bombings, and attacking financial institutions, terrorizing the people. In place of the nuclear weapons of the two superpowers, the terrorist activities of Islamic jihadists targeting the West were hyped up as a real threat. At least by the mid-1990s, the question of how to contain the rise of Islamic extremist terrorism became an international issue.

It was during this time that USAID established an office in Davao, the central city of Mindanao, the southernmost island of the Philippines, where Islamic rebels are active, to carry out the "Mindanao Equal Development Program (GEM)". With the slogan "From Arms to Farm", the program sought to get the Philippine government to grant autonomy to the anti-government armed group Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) and lead the resource-rich region of Mindanao from the devastation of civil war to development and peace. However, the MNLF-led Mindanao peace process intensified internal conflicts between anti-government forces such as the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), which had parted ways with the MNLF, and anti-peace groups that emerged one after another approached al-Qaeda-affiliated organizations in Afghanistan and the Middle East. USAID and the CIA were the intermediaries.

The closeness between MNLF leaders and USAID/CIA was confirmed by an incident that occurred in a car that pulled up in front of the USAID office in Davao City. A close aide to MNLF's charismatic chairman Nur Misuari and the American USAID office director nicknamed Charlie (rumor has it he's a CIA agent) were having a friendly discussion in the car. After a meeting somewhere in the city, Charlie and the others returned to the office by car, and it seemed like they had nothing to talk about. According to anti-peace groups, USAID/CIA were selling weapons provided by the US military to the Philippine military to terrorist organizations that were MILF splinter groups, and at the same time, they were also providing funds for terrorist activities. There is no doubt that the largest organization, the MNLF, was also involved in this. While preaching "peace," they were funneling funds to their former comrades, amplifying the destruction and chaos. The secret meeting between Misuari's close aide and Charlie was also seen as an extension of this. They were covered in money.

The founder of Abu Sayyaf (ASG), the group that engaged in the most violent terrorist activities, was Abdurajak Janjalani. He studied in Saudi Arabia and Libya from 1981 to 1984. In 1987, he traveled to Pakistan and met Osama bin Laden, the alleged mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks, and joined the fight against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan . He initially belonged to the MNLF, which advocated the creation of an independent nation in the southern Philippines, but in April 1991, he established the Islamic Movement (official name of the ASG) with the goal of creating an independent "Islamic state." There is no doubt that US intelligence agencies were involved in Janjalani's introduction to bin Laden and the establishment of the ASG upon his return to the Philippines.

In the run-up to the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States, suicide bombings were common in Southeast Asia. The MNLF, MILF, and numerous splinter terrorist organizations were also involved in the selection of the perpetrators of the attacks. "With this money, your family can escape poverty. You can go to Allah." With such persuasion, ignorant young people one after another became perpetrators of indiscriminate bombings. It goes without saying where the funds came from.

1998 was the year of the prelude to the September 11, 2001 attacks. After the bombings of the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania (see photo), the US government concluded that the international terrorist organization Al-Qaeda was involved and launched missile attacks on Sudan and Afghanistan . In the Philippines, buses and other vehicles in the capital Manila were targeted in a series of bomb attacks. Just as fear of terrorism was at its peak, the September 11 attacks occurred in the US. Mindanao, Philippines, was chosen as the second stage of the war on terrorism after Afghanistan. The US military was re-stationed in the Philippines under the pretext that "the US military will assist the Philippine military in wiping out terrorists." The US military is currently confronting China across the South China Sea.

So the war on terrorism in the Philippines was a ploy to get the US military back to the Philippines after the complete withdrawal of US troops in 1992. The "war on terror" was fabricated. It was supported behind the scenes by USAID and the CIA. They are the "crazy guys" that Trump calls them.