■ Presidential election: CIA cypress stage for work with Japan
The interests of the US rulers are the maintenance of the slave government to the United States and the maintenance of market fundamentalism (neoliberalism). The Japanese administration must meet this demand, and the out-of-frame administration will be crushed. They scrutinize and screen the candidates for the next prime minister. Use the media to make a festival as a candidate for prime minister. This has been repeated endlessly for over 70 years. The CIA's political work on Japan is uninterrupted. The choice of the LDP president, made with US slush funds, is their cypress stage.
Taro Aso, who has been the Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister for nearly 10 years under the Abe and Suga administrations since 2012, is the grandson of Shigeru Yoshida, needless to say. Former Prime Minister Yoshida is the adopted child of Kenzo Yoshida, the manager of the Yokohama branch of Jardine Matheson Shokai, the parent company of Glover Shokai, which sold weapons to Satsuma/choshu through Ryoma Sakamoto during the Meiji Restoration. In other words, it was deeply connected to the huge financial capital of Britain and the United States, which had been behind Japan's power layer for more than 150 years, and was a reconciliation group with Britain and the United States during the pre-war and mid-war eras, with Nobuaki Makino, the son of Toshimichi Okubo, the Three Great Nobles of the Restoration, as his father.
Because of this, Yoshida was hailed as the third prime minister after the defeat before the promulgation of the new constitution. Ichiro Hatoyama, who had been appointed as prime minister at that time, has been banished from public office by the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (GHQ). The forces that continue to keep Aso as vice president and finance minister can be seen through.

It is no exaggeration to say that the result of choosing a president who is not restricted by the Public Offices Election Act depends on money. The funds for the acquisition cannot be managed directly, and the abundant funds can be used to back up the general election and the upper house election. This is probably why Shinzo Abe and Taro Aso, the puppets of the United States and Britain, have decisive power. The US ruling class has made it a top priority not to repeat the mistakes of 2009 when the Hatoyama Democratic Party administration was inaugurated.
The tactic for that is to build a two-party system by the self-public and the second Conservative Party that replaces the self-public. As candidates for the "Second Conservative Party," efforts have been focused on fostering "Ishin no Kai," "Party of Hope," and "Democratic Party for the People." At the same time, divisional tactics are being taken to prevent the opposition coalition, which is a rally of anti-self-government forces. What they fear most is the Japanese Communist Party, which advocates a coalition government of opposition parties. He brought up the former "enemy's theory of appearance" and escalated slander, saying that "Japan is still aiming for a violent revolution." The image of the Communist Party will be downgraded as much as possible, and the anti-self-government camp will be divided into "powers that fight with the Communist Party" and "powers that do not fight with the Communist Party." This will ensure that the general election will survive.
■ Nippon Kaigi becomes pro-American
"Escape from postwar resume", "Regain Japan". It is a familiar catchphrase of the first Abe administration, which collapsed in 2007 in one year. Praise Japan's prewar regime and its values, partially revive the Imperial Rescript on Education, de facto denial of the Nanjing Massacre and other Chinese invasions, denial of Japanese military involvement of military comfort women, and refusal of the US occupation policy toward Japan. The first Abe administration, which had a series of popular words, was never accepted by Washington. It was out of the frame.
However, the Democratic Party of Japan Yukio Hatoyama, who appeared in the change of government in 2009, called the East Asian Sea the "sea of friendship", overturned the Japan-US agreement on the relocation of the Futenma base in Okinawa, and insisted that it was "overseas, at least outside Okinawa Prefecture", and Japan and China. With both countries as pillars, the "East Asian Community" concept was launched. Jeffrey Bader, senior director of the National Security Council (NSC) Asia under the Obama administration from 2009 to 2011, said that Hatoyama's East Asian Community initiative, which was far out of the box, was "the biggest concern for US-Japan relations."
Washington's view of Shinzo Abe changed significantly with the change of government to the Democratic Party. Washington thought that it would be extremely effective in sealing China if the Abe Group and its backing Nippon Kaigi were effectively used, and moved to strengthen the relationship between them and Washington, including the base of Japan handlers, CSIS. Frequent visits to Washington by Abe et al. The Nippon Kaigi, which supported Abe who acted as if he was aiming for a prewar return, was completely incorporated into Washington and became a pro-American organization. The Nippon Kaigi is a symbol of the United States' extraterritoriality over Japan, and does not deny the "US-Japan Status of Forces Agreement," which is the postwar resume itself. Tadae Takubo, Chairman of Nippon Kaigi, closed his mouth as if he was afraid of something when asked "What do you think of the SOFA?"
It was the administration of Naoto Kan, who succeeded Hatoyama, who cut off the flow of friendship between Japan and China and raised military tensions between Japan and China at once. The decisive trigger for worsening relations with China was the arrest of the captain of a Chinese fishing boat operating around the Senkaku Islands by the Japan Coast Guard in early September 2010. Seiji Maehara, then Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, who was in charge of this arrest drama, has a deep connection with neo-conservative US think tanks and CSIS for many years.
His successor, Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda, resigned from the Cabinet in December 2012 in a situation where defeat was certain, and as expected in the general election, the Democratic Party of Japan was defeated and the Abe super-long-term administration was invited. There is no doubt that the backing of the Abe group was neoconservatives. In particular, it seems to have a close relationship with the network taught by Paul Wolfowitz, who is said to be the author of the 1992 Confidential Defense Strategy Book, which advocated the New World Order by the sole hegemony of the United States after the Cold War, and reappeared.
It was only natural that the Abe administration involved Japan 100% in maintaining US hegemony. The Japan Institute for National Fundamentals was established as a "brother organization" to drive the Nippon Kaigi behind, as if following the collapse of Abe's first administration in August 2007. Yoshiko Sakurai is the chairman of the Nippon Kaigi. Chairman Takubo has become the vice chairman. Their claims regarding security and foreign policy are the same as those of Takaichi. There is no doubt that the CIA is in the process of doing this.
■ Is Kono out of the frame and Kishida short-term?
The Liberal Democratic Party reforms and party-style reforms that Taro Kono and Fumio Kishida, who were considered to be the top runners in the 2021 presidential election, are nothing but Abe and Aso, and the United States does not allow it. For example, when the Armitage report ordered the restart of nuclear power plants, one thing that shouted "zero nuclear power plants" is "Taro Kono's sin is heavy and great" for them. Kishida, who hesitates to expand his armed forces by reviewing neoliberalism and advocating Japanese-style capitalism, is "unusable" for a long time, based on the former "lightly armed and economic priority" Kochikai route. This is the reason why Sanae Takaichi, Abe's alter ego, who has been "corrected" and polished, has a white arrow. This candidacy seems to be a preparation for the first female Prime Minister Sanae Takaichi boom as "Japanese Thatcher" in the near future.
Shinzo Abe's support for Takaichi is not too much to see as the intention of the United States. Takaichi insisted on "neutralizing enemy bases" in the security debate in the debate by the four candidates for the LDP presidential election, and stated that he would "proactively promote" the arms race, including the deployment of US-made intermediate-range missiles and precision guided weapons. bottom. In response, Mr. Kono argued, "Just because the United States has placed a missile that is only triggering in Japan does not increase Japan's deterrence." On the contrary, it destabilizes (Japan-China relations). " For the U.S. rulers, the point of Takaichi's remark is that "the argument that defense spending is within 1% of GDP is nonsense. The cost will change if necessary." 2% of the total, 10 trillion yen scale ". It doesn't matter to them who "puts their finger on the trigger".
The point is how the US and British military industry and investors will be enriched. Political circles, bureaucrats, business owners, and many media outlets have perceived, followed, and spoken to the movement behind the Abe-Takaichi group. It must continue after the presidential election and the general election. (Continue)