From the beginning of April after the withdrawal of the Russian army, "murdered bodies" were found one after another near Kieu, the capital of Ukraine, and it was determined that the Russian army had committed the crime. There is now a global fascist swell that will never allow the Russian side to listen to its claims with a blank slate and to test them seriously. However, in the USS Maine case of the Spanish-American War, the Lucitania case of the First World War, and the Gulf of Tonkin case of the Vietnam War, the United States began the war by disguising the enemy's attack. It can be said that the Pearl Harbor incident was also the result of strongly inducing an attack by Japan. The origin of "False Flag Operation" is the United States. What is the heart of what is happening in Ukraine? It is a battle to annihilate Putin-led Russia by both the United States and Britain. The US neo-conservatives who lead this are devoted to the logic of power and do not choose the means for the purpose. Taking full advantage of the issues surrounding Russia and Ukraine, Putin is made into the same war criminal as Milosevic, President of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (the 3rd ), and is judged as a war criminal. Keeping in mind that unprecedented information warfare for this has been going on for many years, we cannot accept the "genocide by the Russian army" coverage as it is.
■ Very similar to the covert operation against North Vietnam
First, I will quote a part of the explanation of the Gulf of Tonkin incident in "Kotobank".
"The U.S. Department of Defense announced that the US destroyer Maddox was on August 2, 1964, and the Maddox and destroyer Turner Joy were on patrol on the open seas of the Gulf of Tonkin, respectively, in North Vietnam. The Pentagon argued that the Maddox had met a North Vietnamese patrol boat in the Gulf of Tonkin and fired on the patrol boat. The Pentagon was later exposed. According to the Vietnam Secret Report (Pentagon Papers), the United States has launched a wide-ranging secret operation against North Vietnam called "Operation 34-A Plan" from February 1, 1964 under the command of the commander of the U.S. Military Assistance Force in Saigon. It was activated. This begins with information gathering, sabotage, and bombardment of coastal facilities, and ultimately destroys the core of the North Vietnamese economy, which is exactly called "attack without declaration of war" and "operation of deception". It was a thing. The Gulf of Tonkin incident was part of such an operation. [Shizuo Maruyama] "(The shaded area is emphasized by the author)
There is no sense of discomfort even if North Vietnam in the "34-A Operation Plan" prepared by the US military is replaced with Russia. The purpose of the Ukrainian war is ultimately to "destroy the core of the Russian economy." To that end, in addition to ostensibly sanctions against Russia, neoconservative US rulers should be willing to take any steps, including covert activities and sabotage. Isn't it just a "deception operation" that the members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) led by the United States are working on with all their might?