In the second Abe administration, people from the National Police Agency and public security occupy key posts. The Suga administration has faithfully inherited this. The US Neocon, which handles Japan, put an end to the "excessive right-wing behavior" of the first Abe administration, and at the same time, the second administration contained the liberal leftists and pro-Chinese forces in Japan and fought the Cold War with China. I have used Japan as a decisively important piece to carry out. Since the inauguration of the second Abe administration at the end of 2012, the State Secrecy Law, the new security legislation, the conspiracy crime ( the revised organized crime punishment law that creates "preparatory crimes such as terrorism" ) have been enacted one after another, and the Kan administration has promoted military research. From the de facto reorganization of the Japan Academic Conference for the purpose, the Liberal Democratic Party-led Japanese government's police control and strengthening of power can be clearly seen. But what is important is the view that this is due to instructions from the United States that are difficult to visualize.
■ Symbolic police bureaucracy

Kazuhiro Sugita, who is said to be the "person" who was a symbolic former police bureaucrat who refused to appoint six candidates for the Science Council of Japan. On December 26, 2012, when the second Abe administration was inaugurated , he was appointed Deputy Secretary of the Cabinet Secretariat, which is the highest post in the administration. Even after the retirement of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who has been in office for the longest time, he remained with the post of Director of the Cabinet Personnel Bureau, who has been concurrently serving since July 2017.
Born in April 1941, he is 79 years old. Needless to say, it is an ultra-long-term "service" by an unprecedented super-elderly person. Since the Cabinet of Keizo Obuchi, there have been three deputy secretaries, including one in charge of clerical work. In the past he served as Chief Cabinet Deputy Secretary of the eight people in the bureaucracy up, the oldest time of retirement in seven people with the exception of Mr. Sugita I am 73 years old. The remaining six have all completed their terms in their 60s. Even if you look at this fact, it is unusual for him to stay in the Suga Cabinet, no, and the anomaly is outstanding. It is said that "Mr. Sugita wanted to retire," but in any case, it can be said that Washington strongly wanted to stay.
Looking at his career at the National Police Agency, the security and public security departments are overwhelming. After serving as the first secretary of the Japanese Embassy in France in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs , he returned to Japan in 1980 and became a director of the Foreign Affairs Division of the National Police Agency Security Bureau. .. The post at the official residence was the head of the Cabinet Intelligence and Research Office, which is said to be the "security center of Japan" that is integrated with Washington. After that, he served as the first Director of Cabinet Intelligence and the Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary.
This trend coincided with the inauguration of the W. Bush administration, in which Neocon took over the administration in the United States. They and their aides haunt the US Department of Justice in Washington, the CIA, and many other US intelligence agencies, think tanks. At the G7 Judiciary and Interior Ministers' Meeting, the Deputy Director of the National Police Agency and the Director of the National Police Agency will accompany the Minister of Justice and other related ministers. It goes without saying that Mr. Sugita was in charge of this before he was transferred to the Cabinet Secretariat. To be precise, it is correct that he has been engaged in the contract work, not with Washington.
Mr. Shigeru Kitamura was promoted from the Director of the Cabinet Intelligence and Research Office to the Director of the National Security Bureau, and Mr. Hiroaki Takizawa was appointed as the first general manager of the International Counter-Terrorism Information Gathering Unit. Is monopolized. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is known as a "ceremony shop" and a "party shop," has completely lost its face.
■ Succession of GHQ Staff 2nd Division
The most notable thing about Mr. Sugita's career is that after retiring from the Cabinet Crisis Management Supervisor in 2004, he served as chairman of the Sekai Seikei Chokai Foundation for about seven and a half years, and became Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary with the revival of the Abe administration. That's right.
The body of the World Political Economy Investigation Committee is an information gathering group by former Japanese military personnel, which was established as a subcontractor of the Counterintelligence Corps (CIC) belonging to the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers ( GHQ) 2nd Division (G2). It is a special agency "Kawabe agency" . With the intensification of the Cold War, the "Kawabe Organization" will appear during the so-called "reverse course" period when the leading role of the GHQ changed from the Civil Affairs Bureau, which was struggling to draft the current constitution, to the G2, which emphasizes dealing with the Cold War.
For the United States, using Japan as an anti-communist fort was a "double-edged sword." This is because a large number of released war criminals and right-wing leaders and transnationalists who have been released from public office have been returned to society. The riverside agency is given two missions. It was to contain the communist left wing and to swim the nationalist right wing and make good use of it.
The "Sekai Seikei Chokai" was established as a think tank of the Cabinet Intelligence and Research Office with the institution as the parent body, and the Cabinet Secretariat currently provides information survey consignment fees. Many people from the Kawabe organization flowed into the early Cabinet Intelligence and Research Office, and the current officers are former bureaucrats from the National Police Agency and the Cabinet Intelligence and Research Office .
The first Abe administration, which went bankrupt in just one year after appearing under the prewar return slogan, was carried by the Nippon Kaigi, a group of far-right nationalists. While reviving Abe and using it to seal China and the liberal left, he will also water down the far-right political group that carries him. This is similar to the mission of the former G2 and "Kawabe Organization". Perhaps the biggest task assigned to Mr. Sugita and others from Washington was here. In fact, after the inauguration of the second administration, Shinzo Abe hardly spoke of the catchphrase of the first administration, "breaking out of postwar resume," and "proposing constitutional amendment" became famous and innocent. Note (continued)
Note : Please refer to "" Achievement of constitutional amendment with my own hands "is Prime Minister Abe's biggest lie-how do you deceive us?" In this blog.